Sunday, March 10, 2013

Snowy Sunday!

This post could also be called cold Sunday or really really muddy Sunday. So, on Sundays, my parents like to take the dog for a walk, and invite me along. Sometimes I say no, but today I said yes and went with them. We pretty much spent the entire day there, and the scenery was fantastic!

My dad told me to bring the camera to try and take pictures of the dog, but he's actually incredibly camera shy, so it can be pretty difficult to get him, I usually have to take one from quite far away and just zoom in lots on the camera, otherwise he just runs off. I think he doesn't like the little red light that shines from it when it's focusing. It can't be that he's insecure of how he looks, because he's a beaut, even with his silly odd eyebrows! He loved the weather though, and I swear he never runs out of energy, he just keeps on going and going and going and going...

I've had it pointed out to me that I dress to match the colour of my hair, and this outfit is no exception, I never really think about matching my hair though, it just happens. Also, my dad found my headband infinitely amusing and kept calling it my "bunny ears" because of how they stuck up, and after a while I caught myself calling it that as well. I'm not actually much of a fan of this photo, but it was getting colder and my parents were trying to hurry me up, so I didn't have time to try for a better one. Oh well.

We ended up staying until the sun set, and by then I'd lost the feeling in my feet and wind was blowing right into my eyes... Getting back in the car with the heating on felt like heaven!

I really wanted a nice hat to wear, like a cute bowler hat or something, but it's hard to find one that I like and fits my head because I had a rather big head. I suppose I'll have to keep hunting until I find one.

Headband - Topshop
Coat - Next
Jumper - ARK
Skirt - Topshop
Boots - Peaklander (FYI, the website starts playing a video as soon as you go on it)

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