Tuesday, April 9, 2013

So it's been about a month

Sorry about the inactivity! I've had a lot on my plate including sorting out university and a string of illnesses (and unfortunately I am still ill, waaa!) but hopefully I will be able to start blogging normally again soon. This isn't going to be an outfit post either because one of the illnesses I've got has resulted in some rather unsightly red patches on my skin, and the chances are I won't be doing any until it has cleared up. I am hopefully going to an alternative fair this weekend however so I'll blog about that and I am also planning on doing a product review soon.

In order to cheer myself up I have made some oreo truffles (recipe here, it's incredibly easy, also cheap supermarket soft cheese works just as well as Philadelphia and if you don't have a blender manually crushing the oreos until they're fine crumbs them mixing them with the cheese works fine too) and decorated them a little. They look messy but they taste amazing! I keep sneaking to the fridge and having a couple of them, as I do every single time I make them... My boyfriend quite likes them too, and he doesn't even like sweet stuff or chocolate.

I'm aware that this blog is essentially a "look what I've been eating" post, and that the only thing missing here is instagram, but I promise this won't be a regular thing... Also, to be fair, they were pretty damn good.


  1. Hey :) I found you via mookychick. I would love to follow your blog it's really nice but I can't find the follow button (if it's really obvious, sorry, I'm blind at the best of times!)

    1. Hello! I've had a look around and no the follower thing had well and truly vanished. I have however put it back now and it's under the twitter feed on the left hand side. Thank you for letting me know about this!

    2. That's alright. You write really well and I would hate for people to see your blog and not be able to follow you. Following now :)

    3. Aww you really think?? Thank you, I didn't think I did! But they do say that you're your own harshest critic. I'm really glad you like my blog. :)
