Monday, April 22, 2013

Walk around an abandoned mill

So I ended up not going to that alternative fair. I had nobody to go with an I couldn't bear going on my own. Oh well I suppose, there'll be more and hopefully I'll have a bit more courage or somebody to go with this time...

Anyway, that doesn't mean I've been doing nothing (although for a lot of the part I have!), and I did go on another nice walk and get some pictures. This time I went to an old mill and unfortunately I couldn't take quite as many pictures as I liked because it started getting dark earlier than I expected it to... By the time I was heading back it was almost impossible to see. However, it was cool getting to see the bats flying above me, cute little things that they are.

First daffodils I've seen this year, hopefully this means that spring's arrived.

I believe it used to be a cotton mill after a bit of online research, I could be wrong though.

At this point it was already incredibly dark so I had to use my flash for this, but this is where one of the fire assembly points for the mill used to be, it's now really overgrown and difficult to access. (I think it was supposed to be off limits too, but part of the fence didn't have any barbed wire over it so it was easy to scale)

No outfit post because truth be told what I was dressed for convenience as opposed to dressing nice.

Anyway, sorry for being inactive, I plan on picking this blog up again, I'm dreadful at keeping up to date with these!

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