Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Product Review: Cakes & Cocktails Lipbalms by Fairypants

Before I go in to the review, I'll do a little introduction to who Fairypants are and how I came across them. They're a Chester (UK) based shop that sells clothes, jewellery and lipbalms. I came across these during a vintage fair at Chester and ended up buying a couple of rings and a lipbalm from them, the people who served me were incredibly friendly and helpful. This is their website.

I decided after buying one lipbalm that I actually wanted to do a little review of them and decided to buy two more, however, I don't usually live in Chester so I ordered them. I had no issues with the service and they arrived rather quickly. Hooray!

I also liked the decorated envelope, complete with a thank you sticker.

Inside the envelope there were two sweets, a load of heart sequins, some business cards and the lipbalms, which were in a separate paper bag (the leopard print one in the picture!).

Anyway, enough of cute packaging and onto the lipbalms! The website claims that the lipbalms are vegan, and after a quick google of the ingredients I found that they indeed are, with the main ingredients coming from shea, almond and jojoba. I decided to get the "Amaretto & Cola", "Banoffee Pie" and "Strawberry Cheesecake" flavours.

Although the colour of the Amaretto & Cola flavour lipbalm was alarming to me, none of the balms alter the colour of my lips, and instead leave them with a slightly glossy sheen. It's not at all sticky and leaves my lips feeling rather soft and moisturised, which for me is awesome as my lips get dry quite often.

However, I also decided to smell and taste each one, because I figure that's the most appealing part of doing flavoured lipbalms... Right? So, here goes.


Strawberry Cheesecake - It smells slightly of strawberries and slightly biscuity, very sweet.
Banoffee Pie - Very much like banoffee, it makes me feel rather hungry when I smell it. My favourite one.
Amaretto & Cola - Definitely amaretto and those jelly cola sweets.


Strawberry Cheesecake - Neutral.
Banoffee Pie - Very slightest hint of toffee, but mainly neutral.
Amaretto & Cola - Ever so slightly neutral but again mainly neutral.

So overall the lipbalms feel great, can go with any look or go over lipstick due to not changing the colour of your lips at all and smell amazing! However, I would not recommend eating them, cosmetics that are not for eating, who would have thought it? At least they don't taste absolutely horrible though!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Walk around an abandoned mill

So I ended up not going to that alternative fair. I had nobody to go with an I couldn't bear going on my own. Oh well I suppose, there'll be more and hopefully I'll have a bit more courage or somebody to go with this time...

Anyway, that doesn't mean I've been doing nothing (although for a lot of the part I have!), and I did go on another nice walk and get some pictures. This time I went to an old mill and unfortunately I couldn't take quite as many pictures as I liked because it started getting dark earlier than I expected it to... By the time I was heading back it was almost impossible to see. However, it was cool getting to see the bats flying above me, cute little things that they are.

First daffodils I've seen this year, hopefully this means that spring's arrived.

I believe it used to be a cotton mill after a bit of online research, I could be wrong though.

At this point it was already incredibly dark so I had to use my flash for this, but this is where one of the fire assembly points for the mill used to be, it's now really overgrown and difficult to access. (I think it was supposed to be off limits too, but part of the fence didn't have any barbed wire over it so it was easy to scale)

No outfit post because truth be told what I was dressed for convenience as opposed to dressing nice.

Anyway, sorry for being inactive, I plan on picking this blog up again, I'm dreadful at keeping up to date with these!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

So it's been about a month

Sorry about the inactivity! I've had a lot on my plate including sorting out university and a string of illnesses (and unfortunately I am still ill, waaa!) but hopefully I will be able to start blogging normally again soon. This isn't going to be an outfit post either because one of the illnesses I've got has resulted in some rather unsightly red patches on my skin, and the chances are I won't be doing any until it has cleared up. I am hopefully going to an alternative fair this weekend however so I'll blog about that and I am also planning on doing a product review soon.

In order to cheer myself up I have made some oreo truffles (recipe here, it's incredibly easy, also cheap supermarket soft cheese works just as well as Philadelphia and if you don't have a blender manually crushing the oreos until they're fine crumbs them mixing them with the cheese works fine too) and decorated them a little. They look messy but they taste amazing! I keep sneaking to the fridge and having a couple of them, as I do every single time I make them... My boyfriend quite likes them too, and he doesn't even like sweet stuff or chocolate.

I'm aware that this blog is essentially a "look what I've been eating" post, and that the only thing missing here is instagram, but I promise this won't be a regular thing... Also, to be fair, they were pretty damn good.